Burger & Lobster trades Christmas decorations for donations

London restaurant group Burger & Lobster has announced plans to use its Christmas decoration budget a little differently this year, switching twinkling lights and tinsel for donations to support StreetSmart and the Cardinal Hume Centre – charities dedicated to assisting young people and adults facing poverty and homelessness in the capital. 

The company is embracing the Christmas spirit by giving back to the community with a £20,000 charity donation, which otherwise would have been spent on seasonal décor. 

The brand is giving guests the chance to donate £1 to StreetSmart with every bill throughout the winter months, asking guests to join them in saying 'donate over decorate'. 

StreetSmart will utilise the funds from Burger & Lobster by giving 100% of the money raised to the Cardinal Hume Centre. This ensures that every pound given plays a direct role in supporting families and young individuals facing poverty and homelessness during the cost of living crisis. 

Dino Sura, managing director at Burger & Lobster Restaurant Group, comments: "Whilst decorations are a traditional way to bring in the festive season and encourage our guests to get into the Christmas spirit, we felt compelled to celebrate in a different way this year and give back to those in need. We are honoured to partner with StreetSmart again this year to bring our vision to life and ensure that our donation goes towards a worthy cause of bringing about joy and making a positive impact in the local community this Christmas. We are so pleased to partner with StreetSmart to help those in need across London."

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